History and People

Principal Investigator

Prof. David E. Pritchard dpritch@mit.edu
Dept. of Physics, 26-241, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139

History of RELATE

I was a teacher (and an Atomic Physics Researcher) before becoming a physics  education researcher.  In order to teach better, my son and I developed a Socratic Tutor that gave students problems, responded provocatively to their wrong answers, and offered hints and sub-problems when they were stuck.  It is described under Tutorng in the menu above.

Being an experimental physicist, I wanted to apply my research skills to see how well the tutor worked and to improve it from what we learned.  Collecting the techniques that seemed most important for this, I started an education group with the acronym RELATE.mit.edu:     REsearch in Learning, Assessing and Tutoring Effectively

Current and Former Personnel of RELATE

Current Post-doctoral Associates

Aaron Adair  adairaar@gmail.com

Current Graduate Students

Martin Segado <msegado@mit.edu>

Visiting Professors (sabbatical guests)

Theodore W. Ducas <tducas@wellesley.edu>ucas

Jun Shen <jshenmit@mit.edu>

Chandralekha Singh <clsingh@pitt.edu>

Qian Zhou <zhouqian@tsinghua.edu.cn>

Sait Gokalp <sgokalp@gmail.com>

Neset Demirci <ndemirci@gmail.com>

Gerd Kortemeyer <gerd@gerdkortemeyer.com>

Former Post-doctoral Fellows (most recent first)

Mohamed Abdelhafez mohamedr@mit.edu

Alexander Shvonski <shvonski@mit.edu>

Byron Drury   bdrury@mit.edu

Zhongzhou Chen <blackeyemickey@gmail.com>

Giora Alexandron  <giora.alexandron@weizmann.ac.il>

Sunbok Lee <sunboklee@gmail.com>

John Champaign john.champaign@gmail.com

Youn-jeng Choi    <neatstar@gmail.com>

Kimberly Colvin  kfcolvin@gmail.com

Colin Fredricks   colin.fredericks@gmail.com

Yoav Bergner ybergner@gmail.comdu

Daniel Seaton dseaton@gmail.com

Saif Rayyan <saifrayyan1@gmail.com>

Analia Barrantes analiab@mit.edu

Raluca Teodorescu,  <raluca.teodorescu@montgomerycollege.edu>gwu.edu

Carie Cardamone,  <ccardamone@gmail.com>

Andrew Pawl,  pawla@uwplatt.edu

Phil Dukes,  pdukes@utb.edu

David Kokorowski <david.kokorowski@pearson.com>

Young-Jin Lee, yjlee@ku.edu

Elsa Sofia Morote, sofiamorote@gmail.com

Rasil Warnakulasooriya, rasilw@gmail.com

Former Graduate Students

Christopher Chudzicki <christopher.chudzicki@gmail.com>

Stefan Dröschler stefan.droeschler@inf.ethz.cht.edu

David Palazzo , <djpal2015@gmail.com>

Former Undergraduate Students

Jonathan Abbot jabbott@mit.edu


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