Refereed – titles first, latest first

RELATE Group Publications Refereed – Titles First most recent First

SAS25  A Multidimensional Bayesian IRT method for discovering misconceptions from concept test data  Martin Segado, Aaron Adair, John Stewart, Yunfa Ma, Byron Drury  Front. Psychol. , 28 January 2025 Sec. Quantitative Psychology and Measurement   Volume 16

WWP22 Comparing conceptual understanding across institutions with module analysis Christopher Wheatley1, James Wells2, David E. Pritchard3, and John Stewart   Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 020132

Pri22 A Unifying Online Proposal for MIT’s Educational Mission Based on Open edX  David E. Pritchard MIT Faculty Newsletter VOL. XXXIV NO. 3  JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022

SDW21 Examining the relation of correct knowledge and misconceptions using the nominal response model John Stewart , Byron Drury, James Wells, Aaron Adair, Rachel Henderson, Yunfei Ma, Ángel P´erez-Lemonche, and David Pritchard PHYSICAL REVIEW PHYSICS EDUCATION RESEARCH17,010122 (2021)

AYR19 Are MOOC Learning Analytics Results Trustworthy? With Fake Learners, They Might Not Be!  Giora Alexandron, Lisa Y. Yoo, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Sunbok Lee, and David E. Pritchard   International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education  pp 1–23, 2019

PSD 19 Mining Students Pre-instruction Beliefs for Improved Learning Angel Perez-Lemonche, John Stewart, Byron Drury, Rachael Henderson, Alex Shconski, and David E Pritchard  LAS 2019 Proceedings

DLS18 Online Quizzes Predict Final Exam Scores Better Than Hand-Graded On-Paper Quizzes  Byron Drury, Sunbok Lee, Chandralekha Singh, David Pritchard EDM Proceedings 2018 KE Boyer and M Yudelson eds p 557 (2018)

PDP18 Mining Student Misconceptions from Pre- and Post-Test Data. Angel Perez-Lemonche, Byron Coffin Drury, David Pritchard  EDM Proceedings 2018 KE Boyer and M Yudelson eds p 449 (2018)

LCP17 Factor Analysis Reveals Student Thinking using the Mechanics Reasoning Inventory
S Lee, Z Chen, D Pritchard, A Kimn, A Paul 
Proceedings of the Fourth (2017) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 197- 200 (2017)

BTC17  Physics instructional resource usage by high-, medium-, and low-skilled MOOC students
TA Balint, R Teodorescu, K Colvin, YJ Choi, D Pritchard
The Physics Teacher 55, 222-225 (2017)

RAC 17 Copying@Scale: Using Harvesting Accounts for Collecting Correct Answers in a MOOC Jose A Ruiperez-Valiente, Giora Alexandron, Zhongzhou Chen, and David E. Pritchard.  Computers & Education Volume 108, May 2017, Pages 96-114   (Presented at  3rd Learning at Scale Conference, 2016   (honorable mention for best conference paper)

CDC17 To draw or not to draw? Examining the necessity of problem diagrams using massive open online course experiments
Z Chen, N Demirci, YJ Choi, DE Pritchard
Physical Review Physics Education Research 13 (1), 010110

BTZ16 Comparing Measures of Student Performance in Hybrid and MOOC Physics Courses    T. Balint, R. Teodorescu, K. Colvin, Y. Choi, D. Pritchard  European Journal Of Physics Education vol. 6 (3) (2016)

CCP16 Researching for better instructional methods using AB experiments in MOOCs: results and challenges Zhongzhou Chen, Christopher Chudzicki, Daniel Palumbo, Giora Alexandron, Youn-Jeng Choi, Qian Zhou, David E. Pritchard Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning: December 2016, 11:9 DOI: 10.1186/s41039-016-0034-4  (Earlier work by Chudzicki et. al. Learning at Scale 2015 )

CDP16 Examining the necessity of problem diagrams using MOOC AB experiments     Z. Chen, N Demirci, and D Pritchard at EDM16)

RFC16 A MOOC based on blended pedagogy  S. Rayyan, C. Fredericks, K.F. Colvin, A. Liu, R. Teodorescu, A. Barrantes, A. Pawl, D.T. Seaton and D.E. Pritchard  Journal of Computer Assisted Learning: 19 MAR 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12126

CCZ15  Validating the pre/post-test in a MOOC environment Christopher Chudzicki, Zhongzhou Chen, Qian Zhou, Giora Alexandron, and David E. Pritchard  Physics Education Research Conference 2015, Pages 83-86  

BTC15a   Comparing Measures of Student Performance in Hybrid and MOOC Physics Courses  Balint, T. A., Teodorescu, R., Colvin, K. F., Choi, Y-J., & Pritchard, D. E. (2015). European Journal of Physics Education 6(3), 32-44 2015

BTC15b Identifying characteristics of pairs of questions that students answer similarly
TA Balint, R Teodorescu, K Colvin, YJ Choi, DE Pritchard
Physics Education Research Conference, 55-58 (2015) Retrieved January 5, 2016, from

BCP15 Estimation of ability from homework items when there are missing and/or multiple attempts
Y Bergner, K Colvin, DE Pritchard
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2015 pp 118-125

AZP15 Discovering the Pedagogical Resources that Assist Students in Answering Questions Correctly – A Machine Learning Approach – in Proceedings of educational data mining 2015, Giora Alexandron, Qian Zhou, David Pritchard

BKP15 Methodological Challenges in the Analysis of MOOC Data for Exploring the Relationship between Discussion Forum Views and Learning Outcomes  Y. Bergner, D. Kerr, D. E. Pritchard

KDP14 Harvesting latent and usage-based metadata in a course management system to enrich the underlying educational digital library  G Kortemeyer, S Dröschler, DE Pritchard International Journal of Digital Libraries DOI 10.1007/s00799-013-0107-6

SKB14  Analyzing the Impact of Course Structure on eText Use in Blended Introductory Physics Courses   Daniel T. Seaton, Gerd Kortemeyer, Yoav Bergner, Saif Rayyan, and David E. Pritchard, , American Journal of Physics 82, 1186-1197 (2014)

CCL14B  Learning in an Introductory Physics MOOC: All Cohorts Learn Equally, Including an On-­Campus Class  Kimberly F Colvin, John Champaign, Alwina Liu, Qian Zhou, Colin Fredericks, and David E Pritchard  Int. Rev. Research in Online and Distance Learning

CCL14A Correlating skill and improvement in 2 MOOCs with a student’s time on tasks

John Champaign, Kimberly F. Colvin, Alwina Liu, Colin Fredericks, Daniel Seaton, and David E Pritchard  ACM Digital Library 2014

CCL14 Comparing Learning in a MOOC and a Blended, On-Campus Course K Colvin, J Champaign, A Liu, C Fredericks, D Pritchard   Proceedings of 7th Educational Data Mining Conference 2014 p343

SBC14   Who Does What in a Massive Open Online Course? Daniel T. Seaton, Yoav Bergner, Isaac Chuang, Piotr Mitros, and David E. Pritchard Communications, ACM Volume 57 April 2014 pp 58-65. 

RSB13  Participation And Performance In 8.02x Electricity And Magnetism: The First Physics MOOC From MITx  Saif Rayyan, Daniel T. Seaton, John Belcher, David E. Pritchard, Isaac Chuang  Physics Education Research conference 2013

BPD13 Studying Learning in the Worldwide Classroom: Research into edX’s First MOOC   Lori Breslow, David E. Pritchard, Jennifer DeBoer, Glenda S. Stump, Andrew D. Ho, Daniel T. Seaton Research & Practice in Assessment 8 13, 2013

FRT13 From Flipped to Open Instruction: The Mechanics Online Course  Colin Fredericks, Saif Rayyan, Raluca Teodorescu, Trevor Balint, Daniel Seaton, and David E. Pritchard LINC symposium MIT 2013

SBP13  Exploring the relationship between course structure and etext usage in blended and open online courses Daniel T. Seaton, Yoav Bergner and David E. Pritchard  Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Memphis 2013

PBS13  Adapting Bayesian Knowledge Tracing to a Massive Open Online Course in edX Zachary A. Pardos, Yoav Bergner, Daniel T. Seaton, David E. Pritchard   Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Memphis 2013

SKB13  The impact of course structure on etext use in large-lecture introductory-physics courses D. Seaton, G. Kortemeyer, Y. Bergner, I. Chuang, D. Pritchard  Physics Education Research Conference, Portland, Oregon, 2013

BDK12 Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Analysis of Student Response Data: Machine-Learning Item Response Theory, Yoav Bergner, Stefan Dröschler, Gerd Kortemeyer, Saif Rayyan, Daniel Seaton, and David Pritchard,  The 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 95-102 (2012)

BRS12 Multidimensional Student Skill with Collaborative Filtering. Y. Bergner, S. Rayyan, D. T. Seaton, and D. E. Pritchard, Physics Education Research Conference 2012, Philadelphia, PA

PBP12  What do Seniors Remember from Freshman Physics? Pawl, A, Barrantes, A, Pritchard, D.E., and Mitchell, R.  Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 8, 020118 (2012)

PBC11  Development of a Mechanics Reasoning Inventory   Andrew Pawl, Analia Barrantes, Carolin Cardamone, Saif Rayyan and David E. Pritchard   Physics Education Research Conference 2011 Volume 1413, Pages 287-290pdf

CAB11 Item Response Theory Analysis of the Mechanics Baseline Test   Carolin N. Cardamone, Jonathan Abbot, Analia Barrantes, Andrew Pawl, Saif Rayyan, Daniel Seaton, Raluca Teodorescu, and Dave Pritchard Physics Education Research Conference 2011  Volume 1413, Pages 135-138  AIP Conference Proceedings

TSC11 When Students Can Choose Easy, Medium, Or Hard Homework Problems  Raluca E. Teodorescu, Daniel T. Seaton, Caroline N. Cardamone, Saif Rayyan, Jonathan E. Abbott, Analia Barrantes, Andrew Pawl, and David E. Pritchard Physics Education Research Conference 2011  Volume 1413, Pages 81-84

Integrated Learning Environment for Mechanics (ILEM) Pawl, A., Teodorescu, R. ,  Barrantes, A. , Rayyan, S., Cardamone, C, and Pritchard, D. E. username: nsfguest,  password: ilem, select “student Mechanics Demo Course Spring 2011”, and click on “Course Contents” on the top navigation bar (third from left).

PBR11Mechanics Wiki Course (Wiki2)  Pawl, A., Barrantes, A. , Rayyan, S., Teodorescu, R. , Cardamone, C, and Pritchard, D. E.

PBW10 Experimental Wiki textbook by RELATE (Wiki 1) Pawl, A., Barrantes, A. , Wilk, S., and Pritchard, D.

RPB10 Improved Student Performance In Electricity And Magnetism Following Prior MAPS Instruction In Mechanics, Rayyan, S., Pawl, A., Barrantes, A. , Teodorescu, R. and Pritchard, D. E., Physics Education Research Conference 2010 AIP Conf. Proc. 1289, 273(2010).

TPR10 Toward an Integrated Online Learning Environment, Teodorescu, R., Pawl, A., Rayyan, S., Barrantes, A. , and Pritchard, D. E..  Physics Education Research Conference 2010 Portland Oregon, AIP Conf. Proc. 1289, 321(2010).

PLW10 Patterns, correlates, and reduction of  homework  copying, Palazzo, D., Lee, Y-J, Warnakulasooriya, R. and Pritchard, D., Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res, vol. 6, (2010), p. 010104 Res. 6, 010104 (2010).

MoP09 What course elements correlate with improvement on tests in introductory Newtonian mechanics?, Elsa-Sofia Morote and David E. Pritchard Am. J. Phys. 77, 746, (2009)

PBB09 What Else (Besides the Syllabus) Should Students Learn in Introductory Physics?, Pritchard, D. E., Barrantes, A. and Belland, B. R., Physics Education Research Conference 2009, M. Sabella, Ch. Henderson, C. Singh, Eds.  Ann Arbor, Michigan: July 29-30, 2009.  AIP Conference Proceedings 1179, pp. 43-46  Also (better Figures), MIT Faculty Newsletter, Nov/Dec 2009 ,

PBP09 Modeling Applied to Problem Solving, Pawl, A., Barrantes, A. and Pritchard, D. E., AIP Conference Proceedings 1179 2009 Physics Education Research Conference,  M. Sabella, Ch. Henderson, C. Singh, Eds.  pp. 51-54, (2009).

BPP09 What do Seniors Remember from Freshman Physics? , Barrantes, A. ,Pawl, A., and Pritchard, D. E.,  ,AIP Conference Proceedings 1179 2009 Physics Education Research Conference,  M. Sabella, Ch. Henderson, C. Singh, Eds.  pp. 51-54, (2009).

PLB08 Mathematical learning models that depend on prior knowledge and instructional strategies, Pritchard, D. E., Lee, Y-J, and Bao, L., Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010109 (2008).

LPW08 Measuring student learning with item response theory, Lee, Y-J, David J. Palazzo, Rasil Warnakulasooriya, and Pritchard, D. E., Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010102 (2008).

WPP07 Time to Completion of Web-Based Physics Problems with Tutoring, Warnakulasooriya, R., Palazzo, D. J. and Pritchard D. E., Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 88, 103-113, 2007.

WPP05 Evidence of Problem-Solving Transfer in Web-Based Socratic Tutor, Rasil Warnakulasooriya, David J. Palazzo, and David E. Pritchard Physics Education Research Conference 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah: August 10-11, 2005  American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 818, Pages 41-44

WaP04 Time to completion reveals problem-solving transfer, Rasil Warnakulasooriya & David E. Pritchard, Proceedings of the 2004 Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, J. Marx, P. Heron, & S. Franklin (Eds.), 2004, pp. 205-208.

WAP05 Learning and problem-solving transfer between physics problems using web-based homework tutor, Rasil Warnakulasooriya & David E. Pritchard, EdMedia – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 2005, pp. 2976-2983Res, vol. 6, (2010), p. 010104Res, vol. 6, (2010), p. 010104 Res, vol. 6, (2010), p. 010104 Res, vol. 6, (2010), p. 010104

MOP04  Technology closes the gap between student’s individual skills and background differences, Elsa-Sofia Morote & David E. Pritchard, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 2004, pp. 826-831.

MKP02  CyberTutor, a Socratic Web-based Homework TutorElsa-Sofia Morote, David Kokorowski, David Pritchard, MIT, United States   E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 2002 in Montreal, Canada ISBN 978-1-880094-46-4 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), San Diego, CA

MoP02 Reliable Assessment with Cybertutor, a web-based Homework Tutor,  Elsa-Sofia Morote, David Pritchard MIT, United States E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 2002 in Montreal, Canada ISBN 978-1-880094-46-4 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), San Diego, CA

DuP01 Inductive Influence of Related Quantitative and Conceptual Problems  Philip Dukes and David E. Pritchard Physics Education Research Conference 2001 Part of the PER Conference Invited Paper series  Rochester, New York: July 25-26, 2001

Patterns, correlates, and reduction of  homework copying
David J. Palazzo, Young-Jin Lee, Rasil Warnakulasooriya and David E. Pritchard,
(Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res, vol. 6, (2010), p. 010104)

Measuring student learning with item response theory  PDF
Young-Jin Lee, David J. Palazzo, Rasil Warnakulasooriya and David E. Pritchard.
(Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res, 4, 010102 (2008))

Mathematical Learning Models that Depend on Prior Knowledge and Instructional Strategies PDF
David E. Pritchard, Young-Jin Lee & Lei Bao
(Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res, 4 (1), 010109 (2008))

Time to completion of web-based physics problems with tutoring PDF
Rasil Warnakulasooriya, David J. Palazzo & David E. Pritchard
(Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavor, 2007, 88, pp.103-113)

What course elements correlate with improvement on tests in introductory Newtonian mechanics? PDF
Elsa-Sofia Morote and David E. Pritchard
(Submitted to Am. J. Phys. )


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